Wow... What's up with my weird dreams???!
I think my brain is damaged, I keep having reeeaaally weird dreams, that make abolutely no sense!! Like this night, I dreamt that I was with my friend Josefin in a really big and open store. And we were hiding behind a big shelf with candy, it was like we were trying to escape from the store, and we couldn't be seen by someone/thing. But anyways, we ran right out from the our hideout, and we ran and ran. Then we got spotted, and this is where the weirdness comes...
The people that spotted us were no other than Josefins "favourite people", I know who they are, and she knows. And all I can say is that they're not really favourites lolhi. In any case, they saw us and ran to us. Then from outta nowhere I start shouting at them! They started to cry, and I was like.. lolwtf? Hhahahaha, and then I woke up.
Was totally creepy..!
The people that spotted us were no other than Josefins "favourite people", I know who they are, and she knows. And all I can say is that they're not really favourites lolhi. In any case, they saw us and ran to us. Then from outta nowhere I start shouting at them! They started to cry, and I was like.. lolwtf? Hhahahaha, and then I woke up.
Was totally creepy..!
And I haven't written for quite some time hehehe, oh well right, It's getting boring boohoo!!
Maybe I'll make this my dream blog, I'll just post my weird dreams :D okay well anyways, I'm hungry!!!!!@@@@@@@
kbb =^._.^= <MEOW
Maybe I'll make this my dream blog, I'll just post my weird dreams :D okay well anyways, I'm hungry!!!!!@@@@@@@
kbb =^._.^= <MEOW
Ja hejsan hoppsan! Jag har ju inte skrivit nåt på länge, kanske dags då!
-rotar runt i hjärnan efter nåt intressant-
Jaaaa! På väggaskolans busshållplats såg jag en "plansch" på Hannah Montana, jag har märkt innan att hon har en underligt kort hals. Och att hon inte ser ut att vara 16 år, som hon då är xD
På programmerings provet jag hade förut, det fick jag alla rätt på, yay me! Tyckte inte att det var särskillt svårt iaf, hehe!
-rotar runt i hjärnan efter nåt intressant-
Jaaaa! På väggaskolans busshållplats såg jag en "plansch" på Hannah Montana, jag har märkt innan att hon har en underligt kort hals. Och att hon inte ser ut att vara 16 år, som hon då är xD
På programmerings provet jag hade förut, det fick jag alla rätt på, yay me! Tyckte inte att det var särskillt svårt iaf, hehe!
Aaja, jag har glömt allt annat jag skulle skriva D:
såå, hejdå :)
Oh yeahh! Another dream
So, in my last thingy I wrote about a dream I had that same night, and today, while I was on the bus to school I remembered something...
An old dream I had. The thing that is so special about it is that I remember it so well, as if I had it just now.
Here's how it goes...
Yes, this dream started with me being on a road trip with my family, (dad's side of the family not included :x (sori)) and we were in our car and we drove along the shore. And everything was good, but then suddenly, a whale jumped in the ocean, and it was really close to the shore too. So we stopped the car and everyone but me ran closer to the whale. As my family was running, I saw more whales beside the one that jumped. Now many people started moving closer to the whales, but I stood still. I felt that something was awfully wrong with the behaviour of the whales.
An old dream I had. The thing that is so special about it is that I remember it so well, as if I had it just now.
Here's how it goes...
Warning! (short) Wall of Text approaching
Yes, this dream started with me being on a road trip with my family, (dad's side of the family not included :x (sori)) and we were in our car and we drove along the shore. And everything was good, but then suddenly, a whale jumped in the ocean, and it was really close to the shore too. So we stopped the car and everyone but me ran closer to the whale. As my family was running, I saw more whales beside the one that jumped. Now many people started moving closer to the whales, but I stood still. I felt that something was awfully wrong with the behaviour of the whales.
Then, from out of nowhere, a whale jumped out from the water and onto the ground where all the people (including my family) stood. It landed on a bunch of people, (these whales weren't small ones, they were liiike, 5-6 metres long) I stared at them in shock as the people started screaming. I called for my family and saw them all running towards the car, screaming "GET IN THE CAR!!!" so I wuz lyyk, "ya, I iz on dat lolnoob". When everyone was inside the car, we drove away, but we couldn't get very far cause now everyone was trying to get the hell out of there. Every road out was blocked by cars. So we got out of the car and started running. As I looked behind my back, I saw the whales crawling towards the crowds. We started running faster, and farther away from the shore. But then suddenly we were at the shore, I don't know how we came there, but somehow we just popped up there (lolwat). My family went to a short bridge that went into the water. They looked down and saw nothing, and as we looked around us, there were no whales here.
Then, suddenly, the biggest whale of them all jumped out of the water and landed on the bridge where my family stood. Now I was all alone...
I stared in shock, thinking "did I just lose my family, are they dead? And where's my candy??!" I told myself to move, to run, but I couldn't.
Then the whale swam closer to me, and crawled up towards me. And I just stood there, it continued crawling till it was only a couple of metres in front of me, and stopped. It was looking at me, I stared back at it, and said quietly to myself "why are you doing this...?" It seems like the whale heard me and answered, "lol hi I lyk 2 kil ppls, u g0tz a pr0blam wif dat??!".
I stared at the whale, even more in shock now than ever and said "watafak no u betch, u keeld my fken family, yer not getting away with this!!!" then I took out my bazooka and shot the whale. As all of it's pieces were flying around, I grabbed one that was lying on the ground and started munching on it. "Heeyy, not bad!" I said to myself as I took a bigger bite of the piece.
"Well, I guess I'm alone in the world now, BUT LIDOR IS ALSO HERE OF COURSE, alright well in any case, I wanna watch some bleach." I took a deep breath and looked around. "I'm soo not gonna clean this up, hoarzZ!" I called out loudly, in case there were any whales left, and if they were gonna come to me, then they'd get to taste my bazooka.
The end!!
Oh and not everything I wrote was in the dream I had, you could figure out where I started adding stuff.
Hint: this was/is a serious dream, and I consider it a nightmare.
K, bb folks <3
Then, suddenly, the biggest whale of them all jumped out of the water and landed on the bridge where my family stood. Now I was all alone...
I stared in shock, thinking "did I just lose my family, are they dead? And where's my candy??!" I told myself to move, to run, but I couldn't.
Then the whale swam closer to me, and crawled up towards me. And I just stood there, it continued crawling till it was only a couple of metres in front of me, and stopped. It was looking at me, I stared back at it, and said quietly to myself "why are you doing this...?" It seems like the whale heard me and answered, "lol hi I lyk 2 kil ppls, u g0tz a pr0blam wif dat??!".
I stared at the whale, even more in shock now than ever and said "watafak no u betch, u keeld my fken family, yer not getting away with this!!!" then I took out my bazooka and shot the whale. As all of it's pieces were flying around, I grabbed one that was lying on the ground and started munching on it. "Heeyy, not bad!" I said to myself as I took a bigger bite of the piece.
"Well, I guess I'm alone in the world now, BUT LIDOR IS ALSO HERE OF COURSE, alright well in any case, I wanna watch some bleach." I took a deep breath and looked around. "I'm soo not gonna clean this up, hoarzZ!" I called out loudly, in case there were any whales left, and if they were gonna come to me, then they'd get to taste my bazooka.
The end!!
Oh and not everything I wrote was in the dream I had, you could figure out where I started adding stuff.
Hint: this was/is a serious dream, and I consider it a nightmare.
K, bb folks <3
Hade en konstig dröm inatt..
Den handlade om min blogg faktiskt..!
Det var så här, jag höll på att skriva på min blogg dåra, och sen helt plötsligt hade jag typ över 90 kommentarer på varje blogginlägg! Jag ba... owaitwut, aggahahahagaahaga, aa en konstig dröm som sagt! Det var nåt annat också men jag har redan glömt det.
O så hände en annan mycket intressant sak inatt, det är nämligen så att någon/några har haft tråkigt, så de bestämmer sig för att gå runt här och kasta ägg på hus. Mycket rolig underhållning!! Det är det ju verkligen, hands down liksom! Underbart var det också att just mitt fönster skulle bli äggat, självklart skulle ju fönstret också gå sönder! KKRAAAAAAAAAS, fick nästan en hjärtattack. Men aaja, sånt händer väl här i gangsta Mörrum.
Men om jag får tag på den/dem, då kommer det inte bli särskillt roligt för dem ^^!
Hehheeh, tack o hejs :)
Det var så här, jag höll på att skriva på min blogg dåra, och sen helt plötsligt hade jag typ över 90 kommentarer på varje blogginlägg! Jag ba... owaitwut, aggahahahagaahaga, aa en konstig dröm som sagt! Det var nåt annat också men jag har redan glömt det.
O så hände en annan mycket intressant sak inatt, det är nämligen så att någon/några har haft tråkigt, så de bestämmer sig för att gå runt här och kasta ägg på hus. Mycket rolig underhållning!! Det är det ju verkligen, hands down liksom! Underbart var det också att just mitt fönster skulle bli äggat, självklart skulle ju fönstret också gå sönder! KKRAAAAAAAAAS, fick nästan en hjärtattack. Men aaja, sånt händer väl här i gangsta Mörrum.
Men om jag får tag på den/dem, då kommer det inte bli särskillt roligt för dem ^^!
Hehheeh, tack o hejs :)
I'm all like.. YEAH right, of course I will..!
So, last friday we had TMS, I mean we have TMS every friday. But last friday we had it, and then my group gave me a bunch of papers and said that I have to read it all and check what is good and what isn't. I was lyyyk, lolyaryt. But I said yes, cause I'm a nice person, I was thinking about doing it now, and then I can end earlier. But iono, cuz lyyyk there's no bus lolyaaa sxyyy.
In any case, I like Bleach, but I said dat already.
Sooo.. this day has been very fun, in the morning, we had programming with our favourite teacher (./endSarcasm) and we had a test on it yesterday. And it went very well, seeing as I plan to work within that type of work, I have to do good in it lol. We also had a math test today, and it was really hard. But I won't fail, I can feel it. Just like that time I failed Biology when I really thought I did well x_x" ahh, anyways, that's different, nowwwww
YOU GET........ something.
rofl??! <,<
OH WELL, maybe it's time to get to work xDD
k, bb betches n' hoes (((((((((((loljk)))))))))))))
Hej svej klockan är 22:33!! ...rimma näästan
Hej. Jag är vid precis detta ögonblicket mycket mystisk och jag tänker berätta varför...
... Det var så här, idag när jag var på väg hem från skolan stötte jag på en gigantisk daggmask, den var blå.
-"Vad heter du? Frågade jag."
-"Bertil. Svarade den blåa daggmasken."
Jaha... Tänkte jag, "Vilket vackert namn, Bertil."
-"Tack, ska vi skaffa barn?" Frågade Bertil.
-"Okej" sade jag, och så skutta vi bort mot horisonten, och levde lyckliga i 10minuter, för då kom min buss och jag drog hemåt.
Innan vi lämnade varanda sade Bertil till mig, "Du är mystisk."
-"Mm." svarade jag. Sedan gick vi separata vägar.
Japp, och med det så är min mystiska saga slut!
tack och hej din mamma bajs rumpa weee.
(nej vi fick inga barn, vi drack en kopp kanin kaffe.)
Tym tu wrait som inglish woo!
Yäs, naw ets tym tu wrait som inglish, kaz I still hävent wraiten änythyng. I äm wondäring abawt wat tu wrait, sow I äm jöst going tu wrait abawt wan off mai fäjvurit things in de wörld :)
Yeah, that is correct! Anime, and I will tell you why I like them so much..
-They rock
-They rock
-and they're secksi
-and I enjoy watching them, so..
HEHHEHE, alright, well, the first anime I started to watch was none other than....
NARUTOOO!! Uhuh!! And I started somewhere in January 2 years ago, I think :o
And I watched all of the episodes, from shippuuden too (pardon spelling x_x) which makes it around 200+60, cause I stopped watching Narutp when I came to ep. 6x of shippuuden, I just thought it was getting kind of lame.. Like, they didn't even save Sasuke yet, I wuz lyyyk, omg noob roflmao!11!1one!11!1!!.
The animes I've watched are, and ratings from 1 to 10:
-Zero no Tsukaima (1st season) |10
-Haruhi Suzumiya |10
-Lucky star |10
-Fullmetal alchemist |10
-Chobits (it's NOT porn) |7-8
-Fullmetal panic |8-9
-Naruto |From 10 down to 4
And last but not least... |
-BLEACH<333 (currently on ep. 67-68) |9001!!!! OVER NINETHOUSAAAAAAAND!!!
I've prolly forgotten some, but ph well xDD
Oh well, some other time...
byebye xD
Historian bakom blogg namnet, FyraAvFemToasters..
Ja då var det så här, att jag hade sett ett par otroligt roliga klipp på youtube, där Björn Gustafsson spelar en blyg liten sockertopp som heter Benjamin, där testar han en massa spännande grejor, typ salsa, skejtboard, karate, m.m...
Det var då min broder som visade mig dessa, och jag tyckte att dom va så in i helvete loliga så jag döpte min blogg efter det. Också för att jag har dålig fantasi :)
Men jag och Josefin försökte hitta på några klyftiga namn för mig att döpa min blogg efter.
Det läääätt bästa var : NarutoXmeXsasuke
Värsta lame juuu ahhahaha, typ som... Sexig_Sockertopp_95@...... hahahahah, vet inte om det finns, men om det gör det så är det nog någon jävligt sorglig själ, precis som jag :)
AAJA, har fortfarande inte börjat määää engelskan, orkaaa!!!!
Hejss :}
:/ bajskåååv
Yäs, here I am, sitting in the library.. I'm waiting for the god damn lesson to end, since I think that I am kind of good at english, me and my friend Josefin finished the class earlier, so that means... NO MORE ENGLISH FOR US! WOO! But that was a very good thing, untill we got our new schedule... It S-U-C-K-S. We have english on mondays and tuesdays, on mondays we have two lessons of english, at 9:45-10:25 and at 12:45-14:05, and we have lessons all around those two.
And on tuesdays we have english at 12:45-14:05, with lessons before and after.
Could we possibly have gotten any more unlucky? Our schedule was and is by far, the worst you could get.
And on tuesdays we have english at 12:45-14:05, with lessons before and after.
Could we possibly have gotten any more unlucky? Our schedule was and is by far, the worst you could get.
BUT ANYWAYS, enough with the depressing poopy stuff!
Hi, my name is Kamilia and my name is the ugliest thing in the world, after myself, that is. And I've JUST gotten a new mini computer from school to borrow untill summer. And neither of us in the class seem to have figured out the administrator password yet. But we might get liiike, msn on them, according to our TMS teacher
(TMS= teknik, människa, samhälle, or Technology, people, society(might sound kind of weird but I suck at english so you can just suck my b-..! loljk)) and I truly am hoping that our suggestions for other programs will come through and they will give us the sexy msn.
And blah blah blah, now I'll just fill some space just so that it will look like I have written a friggen lot! WOOHOOHOOHOO, my next lesson starts at 14:35 (2:35pm) and now, the time is 13:13 (1:13pm) that is more than an hour D: my gosh...
Anyhoo, I'm gonna write my last essay for english so that I can get my A.
Byebye bastards :)